A favorite place to visit.
Now and then, and all the time, a special little someone in our house goes to another place. I find myself saying "Reagan, what are you doing? Get your homework done!" or "Reagan, I just told you 3 times to go and do .........." Only to hear in response "Oh, sorry mom, I was visiting Reagan Land again."
You see, Reagan Land is a VERY complex place and takes a lot of time to maintain. So many things and so many places all crammed inside one little head. There are a lot of streets...Diamond Street, Ocean Street, Lava Street........and there are people in our family that live at each street. Mickinley lives on Diamond Street in a diamond house and Reagan is just across the way. Erik lives on Tie Street in a normal house of course. There's a mayor of Reagan Land, who happens to be ....... Reagan.
So, any time you'd like to visit - You only need ask a few questions and you will quickly find yourself with plenty of descriptive details, to the point you can imagine yourself there. We visit most days.
So, any time you'd like to visit - You only need ask a few questions and you will quickly find yourself with plenty of descriptive details, to the point you can imagine yourself there. We visit most days.