Wednesday, August 6, 2008


A favorite place to visit.

Now and then, and all the time, a special little someone in our house goes to another place. I find myself saying "Reagan, what are you doing? Get your homework done!" or "Reagan, I just told you 3 times to go and do .........." Only to hear in response "Oh, sorry mom, I was visiting Reagan Land again."

You see, Reagan Land is a VERY complex place and takes a lot of time to maintain. So many things and so many places all crammed inside one little head. There are a lot of streets...Diamond Street, Ocean Street, Lava Street........and there are people in our family that live at each street. Mickinley lives on Diamond Street in a diamond house and Reagan is just across the way. Erik lives on Tie Street in a normal house of course. There's a mayor of Reagan Land, who happens to be ....... Reagan.

So, any time you'd like to visit - You only need ask a few questions and you will quickly find yourself with plenty of descriptive details, to the point you can imagine yourself there. We visit most days.

1 comment:

Scott and Michelle said...

Hey Lanee'!!! Your kids are so cute! I'm glad I found your blog...what fun!!! I love our family there is Scott Land, too bad he's "grown up" which makes it not nearly as cute!!!